Urban Mobility Berlin and India II (UMBI II)
Indian cities are growing and already have increasingly congested roads. High levels of air pollution and climate impact are the result. The Indian state of Karnataka and the federal state of Berlin have signed a memorandum of understanding to strengthen start-up support in the department of urban mobility. The measure builds on this and aims to develop user-centred solutions for urban mobility systems in India and to strengthen the capacities and networking of the start-up scenes in Berlin and India.
The project builds on previous collaborations between the state of Berlin and India, including the UMBI I project, which was implemented between March 2022 and March 2023. Three current challenges for urban mobility solutions in the region were identified together with the Indian Department of Urban Land Transport (DULT) and the logistics service provider Entoo. In a subsequent ideas competition and various innovation formats, 10 Indian and German start-ups developed concrete solutions, three of which were ultimately selected for further piloting in India.
With this project, the resulting collaborations will be further expanded and, in particular, extended to include gender-responsive approaches. To this end, two delegation trips to India in 2023 and 2024 will be organised for the Berlin start-up scene and two Indian delegations will be invited to the AsiaBerlin Summit 2023 and 2024 in Berlin. In order to identify further innovative solutions for urban mobility in India, an open innovation process will be carried out analogue to UMBI I. The experiences from UMBI I will be utilised and a special focus will be placed on current challenges for women and trans* people in the mobility sector.
For further information, click here for the factsheet.