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Aufbau einer bayerisch-kenianischen Kooperationsplattform zur Förderung eines Grünen Wasserstoff-Ökosystems in Kenia
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sobre Aufbau einer bayerisch-kenianischen Kooperationsplattform zur Förderung eines Grünen Wasserstoff-Ökosystems in Kenia
Unterstützung des Klinikums Solonyy Lyman beim Aufbau eines Rehabilitationszentrums im Bereich Prothetik
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sobre Unterstützung des Klinikums Solonyy Lyman beim Aufbau eines Rehabilitationszentrums im Bereich Prothetik
Stärkung des bayerisch-tunesischen Technologie und Innovationshubs für grünen Wasserstoff
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sobre Stärkung des bayerisch-tunesischen Technologie und Innovationshubs für grünen Wasserstoff
Unterstützung zur Entwicklung einer digitalen Infrastruktur im Zomba Central Hospital
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sobre Unterstützung zur Entwicklung einer digitalen Infrastruktur im Zomba Central Hospital
Ausbau grüner Kompetenzen im TVET-Sektor Kenias
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sobre Ausbau grüner Kompetenzen im TVET-Sektor Kenias
Förderung von Innovationsnetzwerken zwischen Startup-Ökosystemen in Berlin und der Ukraine
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sobre Förderung von Innovationsnetzwerken zwischen Startup-Ökosystemen in Berlin und der Ukraine
Schaffung von Grundlagen für eine berufliche Optiker*innenausbildung in Benin
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sobre Schaffung von Grundlagen für eine berufliche Optiker*innenausbildung in Benin
Förderung von Innovationsnetzwerken zwischen Startup-Ökosystemen in Berlin und der Ukraine
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sobre Förderung von Innovationsnetzwerken zwischen Startup-Ökosystemen in Berlin und der Ukraine
Berufliche Bildung für Grüne Energie in Namibia
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sobre Berufliche Bildung für Grüne Energie in Namibia
Wasserbewusste Stadtentwicklung in Dar es Salaam, Tansania
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sobre Wasserbewusste Stadtentwicklung in Dar es Salaam, Tansania
Verbesserung der Nutzung traditioneller Arzneipflanzen in Uganda
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sobre Verbesserung der Nutzung traditioneller Arzneipflanzen in Uganda
Unterstützung von Reformprozessen in Nordmazedonien und im Kosovo durch Training von Nachwuchsführungskräften
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sobre Unterstützung von Reformprozessen in Nordmazedonien und im Kosovo durch Training von Nachwuchsführungskräften
Digitales Informationssystem für eine nachhaltige und klimawandel-orientierte Landwirtschaft in Ruanda
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sobre Digitales Informationssystem für eine nachhaltige und klimawandel-orientierte Landwirtschaft in Ruanda
Bewertung und Management von Plastikabfallströmen und ihre Leckagen in Bacolod City, Philippinen
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sobre Bewertung und Management von Plastikabfallströmen und ihre Leckagen in Bacolod City, Philippinen
Urban Mobility Berlin and India II (UMBI II)
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sobre Urban Mobility Berlin and India II (UMBI II)
Establishment of a Bavarian-Tunisian Technology and Innovation Hub for Green Hydrogen
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sobre Establishment of a Bavarian-Tunisian Technology and Innovation Hub for Green Hydrogen
Early diagnosis of hearing impairment & strengthening of the Tanzanian health care system
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sobre Early diagnosis of hearing impairment & strengthening of the Tanzanian health care system
Stärkung von Minderheiten durch praktische Umsetzung und Implementierung kommunaler Strukturen im Westbalkan
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sobre Stärkung von Minderheiten durch praktische Umsetzung und Implementierung kommunaler Strukturen im Westbalkan
Setting up an E-cargo-bike infrastructure for more climate-friendly and sustainable transport of goods in Stellenbosch, South Africa
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sobre Setting up an E-cargo-bike infrastructure for more climate-friendly and sustainable transport of goods in Stellenbosch, South Africa
Traditional medicinal plants in Uganda
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sobre Traditional medicinal plants in Uganda
Urban Mobility Berlin and India (UMBI)
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sobre Urban Mobility Berlin and India (UMBI)
Implementing an early warning system for surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 by analysing wastewater in Viet Nam
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sobre Implementing an early warning system for surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 by analysing wastewater in Viet Nam
Qualification of Ethiopian vocational training specialists in the field of IT
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sobre Qualification of Ethiopian vocational training specialists in the field of IT
Qualification of vocational training specialists in the field of energy-efficient building automation
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sobre Qualification of vocational training specialists in the field of energy-efficient building automation
Strengthening resilience in the health sector in Namibia! Building medical-scientific competencies and further developing capacities for teaching and research at the University of Namibia UNAM
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sobre Strengthening resilience in the health sector in Namibia! Building medical-scientific competencies and further developing capacities for teaching and research at the University of Namibia UNAM
Renewable energies to increase productivity, efficiency and innovation in agriculture in Togo
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sobre Renewable energies to increase productivity, efficiency and innovation in agriculture in Togo
Strengthening research and production capacity in the Namibian health sector and expanding the new bush biomass sector
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sobre Strengthening research and production capacity in the Namibian health sector and expanding the new bush biomass sector
Support for the development of digital agro-meteorology in Rwanda for climate change adaptation
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sobre Support for the development of digital agro-meteorology in Rwanda for climate change adaptation
Professional qualification for future specialists and managers for North Macedonia
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sobre Professional qualification for future specialists and managers for North Macedonia
Strengthening infectious disease capacity in Uganda
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sobre Strengthening infectious disease capacity in Uganda
Strengthening pandemic response infrastructure and capacity development in Malawi
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sobre Strengthening pandemic response infrastructure and capacity development in Malawi
Competências técnicas para a operação de minigridos no Cabo Oriental
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sobre Competências técnicas para a operação de minigridos no Cabo Oriental
Expansão das competências de investigação de materiais na Universidade da Namíbia
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sobre Expansão das competências de investigação de materiais na Universidade da Namíbia
Normas internacionais de protecção da água na reabilitação mineira
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sobre Normas internacionais de protecção da água na reabilitação mineira
Qualificação de decisores e peritos etíopes em formação profissional nos domínios da automação e da engenharia eléctrica
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sobre Qualificação de decisores e peritos etíopes em formação profissional nos domínios da automação e da engenharia eléctrica
Qualificação / Actualização da Universidade Técnica de Tamale no Gana
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sobre Qualificação / Actualização da Universidade Técnica de Tamale no Gana
Qualificação para a tecnologia solar
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sobre Qualificação para a tecnologia solar
Energias Renováveis no Uganda - Transferência de Tecnologia
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sobre Energias Renováveis no Uganda - Transferência de Tecnologia
Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho no Sector Mineiro de Moçambique - Desenvolvimento de Competências para a Implementação da Convenção sobre Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho nas Minas (ILO C176) em Moçambique
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sobre Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho no Sector Mineiro de Moçambique - Desenvolvimento de Competências para a Implementação da Convenção sobre Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho nas Minas (ILO C176) em Moçambique
Aplicações solares para a agricultura - Transferência de tecnologia
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sobre Aplicações solares para a agricultura - Transferência de tecnologia
Mobilidade para todos!
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sobre Mobilidade para todos!
Promoção de jovens talentos no sector da água na Tanzânia
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sobre Promoção de jovens talentos no sector da água na Tanzânia
Empreendedorismo Feminino
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sobre Empreendedorismo Feminino
Promoção de serviços comunitários para as minorias nos Balcãs Ocidentais
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sobre Promoção de serviços comunitários para as minorias nos Balcãs Ocidentais
German Tunisian administrative exchange
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sobre German Tunisian administrative exchange
Estabelecimento de um sistema de monitorização de minigridos no Cabo Oriental
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sobre Estabelecimento de um sistema de monitorização de minigridos no Cabo Oriental